How sunflower seed oil is manufactured in factory?

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The production process of sunflower seed oil can be divided into two kinds: Physical pressing and leaching refining process.The production of sunflower oil by Physical process can retain 99% of the nutrients in sunflower oil.However, the production of sunflower seed oil by leaching refining process has high oil yield and high economic benefit, which is a popular production method of sunflower seed oil in modern oil industry.You can further understand the production process of two kinds of sunflower seed oil through the detailed introduction below.

Production process of sunflower oil by physical pressing method:

sunflower seed oil pressing processPhysical pressing sunflower seed oil process

1.Cleaning: use magnetic separator, cleaning sieve and stone removal machine to remove iron filings, stones, grass, soil and other impurities in sunflower seeds.

2.Shelling: use the shelling machine to remove the shell of sunflower seeds, on the one hand, it can avoid the absorption of oil on the shell of sunflower seeds to reduce oil loss, on the other hand, it can also avoid the sunflower seed shell affecting the operation of the equipment and damaging the equipment.

3.Rolling embryo: the shelled sunflower seeds are transported to the rolling machine for rolling embryo.Embryo rolling is the process of rolling sunflower seeds into thin slices, destroying the cell tissue and making it easier for the oil to flow out.

4.Steam stir-fry: Steam stir-fry can adjust the temperature, humidity and internal structure of sunflower seeds so that the oil will be better when pressed.The equipment used for steaming is a steaming wok.

5.Pre-pressing: the roasted sunflower seeds are first transported to the pre-pressing machine for pressing, and part of the oil is extracted first, which can improve the yield of sunflower seed oil.Pre-pressed sunflower cake oil content is 15%, transferred to the press for secondary pressing.

6.Pressing: The equipment used for pressing is the press.Press through the external force of mechanical extrusion sunflower seed cake grease out, so as to obtain pressed sunflower seed oil.The residual oil rate of pressed sunflower seed cake is about 6%.

Production process of extracting and refining sunflower seed oil:

sunflower seed oil extracting Extracting sunflower seed oil process

1.Leaching: sunflower seed cake is sent to the extracter by conveying equipment, and two parts are obtained after solvent leaching: mixed oil containing solvent and wet meal containing solvent.The solvent used for leaching is no. 6 light gasoline.

2.Wet meal dissolubilization drying: the sunflower seed meal discharged from the extracter contains 25% ~ 35% solvent, in order to make these solvents can be recovered, and get better quality sunflower seed meal, to use steam desolubilization drying machine.

3.Evaporative stripping of mixed oil: the mixed oil consists of grease and solvent. Solvent can be separated from the mixed oil by evaporative stripping.Solvent and oil are mutually soluble and their boiling points differ, so the solvent can be separated by evaporation and stripping.

4.Solvent vapor condensation recovery: the solvent separated from wet meal and mixed oil can be recovered and reused by condensation recovery, which reduces the solvent loss in the leaching process and reduces the production cost of sunflower seed oil.

Most of the oil in sunflower seed cake can be extracted by sunflower seed oil leaching. After leaching, the residual oil rate of sunflower seed cake is less than 1%, which improves the yield of sunflower seed oil and reduces the oil loss.

After leaching, sunflower seed oil contains a series of impurities such as colloidal impurities, free fatty acids, pigment and odor substances. It also needs to be transported to the refining workshop for refining sunflower seed oil to remove these impurities to improve the quality of sunflower seed oil. Related reading: How to purify sunflower cooking oil? What machines are needed?

Henan Glory Company is a professional sunflower oil production equipment manufacturer. If you want to buy sunflower oil production equipment, welcome to contact us, our engineers will design your own equipment solution for you.

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