How to make sunflower oil?

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Sunflower oil contains a lot of essential unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid, which can promote the regeneration and growth of human cells. It is a high-grade nutritional oil and one of the four major cooking oils in the world.

So, if you want to know how to make sunflower oil from sunflower seeds, read on and you will find the answer in this article. Also, if you are an aspiring entrepreneur looking to start an cooking oil business, the sunflower oil industry is an excellent choice. If you want to learn how to build a complete sunflower oil processing plant, Henan Glory Company, as a leading manufacturer of cooking oil machinery, can be your best partner to start your sunflower oil production business.

High grade nutritional oil and one of the four major cooking oils in the worldHigh grade nutritional oil and one of the four major cooking oils in the world

How to make sunflower oil from sunflower seeds?

Sunflower oil can be produced in two ways: physical pressing and chemical solvent. As the name implies, physical pressing is to extract sunflower seed oil by physical pressing with an oil press. Its advantage is that it can retain the aroma of sunflower seeds. On the other hand, chemical solvent is a production method of extracting oil from sunflower seed cake by the principle of solvent and oil dissolution, which improved the yield of sunflower seed oil.

Physical pressing and chemical solvent get sunflower oilPhysical pressing and chemical solvent get sunflower oil

Physical press: first of all, we can use cleaning equipment to remove impurities in sunflower seeds to ensure the quality of oil and the service life of equipment; Secondly, use the sheller to separate the kernels of sunflower seeds, sunflower seed shell will reduce the rate of oil; The next step is to use cooker to adjust the temperature and humidity of sunflower seeds, so that the best conditions for pressing sunflower seeds; After completing the above steps, you can use the oil press to get sunflower oil; Finally, use a filter to remove water and impurities in the oil.

Sunflower oil physical press processSunflower oil physical press process

Chemical solvent: the production of sunflower seed oil by solvent extraction method also needs cleaning equipment, sheller, flaking roll, cooker, etc., to process sunflower seeds, adjust the internal structure of sunflower seeds, and improve the production efficiency of sunflower seed oil.Then, use a pre-press to get sunflower oil and sunflower cake.Sunflower seed cake needs to be transported to the extraction workshop for further production of sunflower seed oil. Solvent extraction includes extraction section, miscella evaporation and stripping section, dissolubilized baked meal section, solvent recovery section.(Recommend reading:Sunflower oil solvent extraction plant)

Sunflower oil solvent extraction processSunflower oil solvent extraction process

How to build a complete sunflower oil processing plant?

Generally speaking, some small scale sunflower oil production only has the oil pressing section, and some will be equipped with sunflower oil refineries. This is all based on investment costs and final crude oil requirements. However, a large scale sunflower oil processing plant will be fully equipped with all the necessary sunflower oil process machine. Steps to build a complete sunflower oil processing plant as follows:(Related reading:Sunflower oil production line)

Check the market

Researching local demand for sunflower oil is critical as it is heavily influenced by income and population density. This will also affect the profitability of sunflower oil processing plants.

Development business project report

A business project report must also be prepared in order to obtain financing from banks and other financial institutions. Financial and technical analysis must be included in the report. The technical analysis must cover the manufacturing technology, plant capacity, raw materials to be used, and the production process of the entire organization. Business objectives must be clearly stated and attention must be paid to the financial aspects of the business, including working capital, fixed costs, expected sales revenue and return on investment.

Make financial arrangements

If you can't start the cooking oil business with your own funds, you can get funds from the bank or local venture capital company to start such a business.

Choose a location

To start an sunflower oil production business, it is necessary to find a suitable location to build a profitable business. Sunflower oil doesn't require much storage space.

Determining the sunflower oil production process

There are many sunflower oil production processes that maximize sunflower oil extraction from sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds have a high oil content and mechanical pressing will extract about 85% of the oil. To extract most of them, solvent leaching of oil cake residues must be used.

Buy sunflower oil processing machine

The main requirement of the sunflower oil business is machine. There are many oil plant machinery suppliers offering oil extraction equipment. In order to choose the most reliable company to buy a sunflower oil making machine, a thorough investigation must be done.

Installation of equipment and establishment of a sunflower oil processing plant

After purchasing the sunflower oil processing machine, install and complete the sunflower oil business setup. The sunflower oil processing machine supplier will install the machine and build the sunflower oil processing plant.

Get raw materials

Finding a consistent source of raw materials for a business is critical. Therefore, companies must identify sources from which raw materials can be obtained on a regular basis.

Business registration

In many countries, it is required to register an cooking oil business. After the registration is completed, the business will obtain a trade license. A bank account must be opened to carry out the necessary transactions.

If you want to build a sunflower oil processing plant, get high quality sunflower oil and make a profit, please contact us, we have decades of experience in the field of cooking oil production machine manufacturing, to provide you with the best quality sunflower oil processing machine.


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